Client Stories + Results

Women are multifaceted. So is business. Wherever you are on your journey Aligned Strategy can excavate the internal blocks, and make space for new business growth. While working together your new vision will be clear, aligned with your values, and will finally feel easier to achieve.

I work with businesses of ALL stages:

Take a closer look.

Kate Weidner
Founder & CEO of a Marketing Agency


Strategic Development
Brand Messaging
Marketing Consulting


I partnered with Kate on strategic development for her budding business as she looked to accelerate growth while building a brand (company) aligned with her essence.

“Our agency has since grown to 50 people and 10 million in revenue. Dessa was integral in the early days of our development as we navigated our entrepreneurial environment and evolving business needs. She is deeply experienced in strategy, marketing, and advertising and is a passionate advocate for health and wellness.” — Kate

“Dessa is positivity personified. She is thoughtful and wise, and will help anyone with a propensity for running at full speed to slow down and experience their surroundings. (She will also likely go on a literal run with you, if that's your thing.)”

— Kate Weidner

Jessy Raspiller, Founder of Venture Well
Retreats & Experiences


Brand Foundations
Personal Mantra
Strategic Collaborations
Target Market Identification
Energetic Alignment


Jessy came to me interested in establishing a strategic brand foundation for her company and in the process we uncovered an opportunity to pivot her offerings and focal point to be more in line with her curiosity and sources of energy.

“Dessa's years of experience in branding helped me to find my focal point. After 8 years in business within the wellness industry + thousands of hours of continued education, I was struggling with how to reposition my offerings and expand beyond my local community. Dessa's approach transcends the traditional re-branding approach that targets the surface. Rather our work helped me to go inward and discover some of my internal blocks. In doing so it allowed me to see how my current approach to business would always feel limiting. This new perspective has charted the course to make some expansive organizational changes that are already freeing up my energy seeps and sparking a whole new realm of possibilities for the reach I have within the wellness sphere.” - Jessy

“Dessa's guidance has helped me lighten my workload and in turn I'm connecting with the prospective clients I've been seeking.”

— Jessy Raspiller

Cheaper Than Therapy
Podcast Hosts, Speakers, Facilitators, Authors, & Retreat Leaders


Pricing Strategy
Business Plan
Marketing Strategy
Messaging Support


As two depth psychologists with a mission to elevate the collective consciousness, Dené Logan and Vanessa Bennett formed Cheaper Than Therapy to empower women to live their most authentic lives through a set of tools rooted in personal accountability. I have helped them envision what’s possible and inform action through annual marketing intentions, a strategic and intuitively guided business plan, as well as pricing and positioning considerations for a new product launch. With my guidance, they’ve elevated their retreat pricing to reflect the true value they deliver and have sold rooms with the same gusto prior to the price adjustment.

“Dessa brings the most potent blend of heart-centered wisdom and tactile strategic implementation to support whatever it is you are dreaming of creating. Her integrity is the center point of the way she moves through the world and it is so clear and intentional in every aspect of the work she does. Dessa creates a game-changing impact in terms of what you feel capable of executing, with the benefit of bringing a grounded sense of the person you want to be as you execute it.” — Dené Logan

“Dessa has helped us pull back and see the forest through the trees while giving very specific strategic maps to grow our business. She’s also helped us see blind spots we wouldn’t have seen without her. I can’t recommend working with Dessa enough. She will treat your brand, your baby, like her own baby.” — Vanessa Bennett

“You create emotional safety for us. I'm certain Dessa is an angel dropped from the heavens to support the collective expansion of women and us stepping fully into our power!”

— Dené Logan

Vanessa Bennett
Author, Influencer, & Depth Psychologist


Book Proposal Research


Vanessa is a multi-talented therapist, entrepreneur, and author. Beyond working with her collective brand, Cheaper Than Therapy, I’ve been her strategic eyes and ears while researching pertinent trends and information to inform her personal book proposal.

“Dessa combines her soul, heart, and brain together in all work she does. A killer combo for anyone hoping to lead their business from a place of integration and love. It’s impossible to not fall in love with her as a person as you work with her too, which in my book is a non-negotiable for people on my team. — Vanessa Bennett

“She has helped us pull back and see the forest through the trees while giving very specific strategic maps to grow our business.”

— Vanessa Bennett

Dr. Aimee
Fertility Doctor, Podcast Host, Entrepreneur


Business Plan & Strategy
Brand Messaging
Innovation Pipeline
Speech Ghostwriting
Forbes PR Placement
CNN Feature Prep
Blog + Press Writer
Strategic Partnerships


Dr. Aimee’s mission is to give women hope and empower women wherever they are on their fertility journeys.

“Meeting Dessa was one of the best things that could have happened to me in my life. Shaking hands with Jeff Bezos and sitting with him for a photo, not something I ever would have thought I would say I would do in my lifetime, happened because of her. She listens, believes in your dreams and then launches you. The launch is with loving support the entire way. Whether it's a personal shopper to get you ready for the most important speech of your life, or the actual speech itself that she has created and making sure it's perfect (and she will help you write it)....she has you covered. If she says she will help, she won't just help, she'll help beyond your wildest dreams. I have had the extreme luck of being asked to be on NPR, BBC, Today show, Good Morning America to name just a handful of media opportunities I have had and the only person I will turn to is Dessa to prepare me. From the NOVA PBS Special to the CNN documentary I was in, one name I know I can go to: Dessa. Dessa is pure magic. Everything she touches is magic. She's brilliant (understatement), has an insanely high emotional IQ, she understands people and combined with her marketing, business, and writing skills, she's a triple threat. Tell her your goals and you will realize them. I don't know what I did in my life to deserve to work with Dessa but I can literally say that I have worked with the best. There is no one I trust more than her for all my needs related to my business.” — Dr. Aimee

“I have had the extreme luck of being asked to be on NPR, BBC, Today show, Good Morning America to name just a handful of media opportunities I have had and the only person I will turn to is Dessa to prepare me.”

— Dr. Aimee

Are you a founder ready to experience meaningful growth?

Pursue your Aligned Strategy experience.